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Book information

ISBN: 978-1-919855-23-3

Trim size: 150 x 230mm

Binding: Paperback

Page count: 280 pages

Cost: R375.00

Genre: Politics / Economics

Year of publication: 2022



Xi Jinping Thought – Through South African Eyes offers a unique perspective from which readers can understand President Xi Jinping’s thoughts and practices in governing China and how South Africa and other African countries might take a page from China’s success story. It is inspiring to see how, by following their chosen development path and the decisive leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese people have created miracles in their country: deep and comprehensive reform, an economic new normal, an improvement in people’s livelihoods, a stricter rule of law, cultural advancement, and ecological conservation. As the world undergoes profound changes unseen in a century, China’s strategic thinking, clear roadmap, coordinated action plan, and strong leadership offer a new option for other countries who want to speed up their development while preserving their independence.

Xi Jinping Thought – Through South African Eyes details President Xi’s philosophy and propositions on regional and international affairs, clearly explaining China’s views and solutions to global issues. It also includes China’s pledges and aspirations to share opportunities with the international community while seeking joint development, common progress, and shared prosperity.

The book has been written in three languages – English, Kiswahili, and Portuguese – and divided into three sections.

List of Abbreviations
China’s National Governance System
China’s People-Centred Approach
Human Rights Protection in the Chinese Context
Covid-19 Response
All-Round Opening Up
China International Import Expo
China’s New Development Philosophy
China’s High-Quality Development
Making China a Global Centre for Science and Innovation
Chinese Whole Process People’s Democracy
Centrality of Family Values in China
China’s Education
Poverty Eradication
Common Prosperity
Chinese All-Round Rural Revitalisation
Harmony Between Humanity and Nature
Building a Community of a Shared Future
High-Quality Cooperation in the Belt and Road Initiative
Party-to-Party Relations
Global Security Initiative
Solutions to the Russia-Ukraine Imbroglio
14th BRICS Summit to Tackle Issues of Global Development
China’s Diplomacy in the New Era
Public Communication in the New Era
People-to-people Exchange Mechanism in the New Era
China’s Effective Anti-Graft Campaign



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Dr Paul Zilungisele TEMBE

Dr Paul Zilungisele TEMBE (谭哲理) is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, University of South Africa (Unisa). His academic interests range between historical studies, performative and linguistic theories, cross-cultural communications strategies, cultural studies, and foreign policy. TEMBE has an MA in Kiswahili Studies (2007) from Uppsala University in Sweden and a PhD in Chinese Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in China. He has conducted research and taught at, among others, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Stellenbosch University, Uppsala University, Unisa, and Rhodes University. His current study looks at the paradigm shifts in geopolitics towards a new world order titled ‘Fear of Equality – Instilling Meritocracy’. He is professionally fluent in English, Mandarin, Portuguese, Kiswahili, Swedish, Sesotho, Xitsonga, and IsiZulu.

TEMBE is the author of Ubuntu Beyond Identities – Isintu as a Performative Turn of Ubuntu (Real African Publishers, 2020) and is the lead editor of Culture, Identities and Ideology in Africa-China Cooperation (Africa World Press, 2021).